Wednesday 15 August 2012

What Jamaica should learn from the Olympics

The London Olympics came to a close yesterday in fine style. And allow me to say, that if anyone in the world didn’t know Jamaica before, they MUST be able to spell it in their sleep now. Pardon my exaggeration as I am beaming with national pride. As a tiny spec on the World Map, Jamaica surely made its presence known, with the colours of Black, Green and Gold amongst those dominating Track and Field.

We learn from our mistakes, but we must also learn from our successes, in order that they can be sustained and also applied to other spheres of life:

Wherever we put out energy, there we must succeed.

It is said that you become an expert in a field after 10,000 hours of being involved in it.

In the Olympics, it was clear that Jamaica certainly had its energy invested in Track and Field. Similarly, in life, whichever spheres we focus our energies on, we expand those areas. If we are interested in Family, we will spend a lot of time involved with family, thereby increasing the depth of our relationships. We will therefore succeed at “Family.” If it’s business where we focus our energies, the same would apply, etc.

I once heard that 70% of success is “just showing up.” I’ve taken it to include “just doing something.” I have never forgotten this. Too many times, I have heard people speak fluently on topics that yielded no success, simply because of a  lack of “doing something.” Too many times, I’ve heard of countless “meetings” with no subsequent actions. If you want success in any sphere, you must put your constructive energies there. Basically, “Just do something.”

If you do good you will often be criticized. Do good anyway.

Usain Bolt, although creating new World Records and achieving significant success in Track and Field, including the title of “fastest man in the world,” came under heavy criticism along with his country on a whole.

I have learnt a long time ago, that it doesn’t matter how good your intentions are, some will criticize you and accuse you of bad intentions. I learnt that it didn’t matter how hard you worked at a task, often the credit will be misappropriated. But I also learned that if you were doing any of these things for external gratitude or praise, you would never have achieved ultimate satisfaction. It's none of your business what others think about you. And it makes life a hell of a lot easier not to care. The significance of our success should come from our own intentions. Our own personal goals for ourselves. When you are confident of your goals and your successes, the right people will have recognized your efforts anyway. Remind yourself at all times why you want the things you do. What is the underlying reason? And let those motives guide your actions. Do it for YOU.

"Someone doesn’t like you? Good. That means it’s likely you stood for something sometime in your life." Stay focused on your path with a tunnel focus that leaves little room for diversion.

Define your own success.

Rediscovering our Love

This is a unique time for Jamaica. As we celebrate 50 years of Independence throughout the year, we also enjoy the successes at the London Olympics during the last couple weeks. The atmosphere in Jamaica has been electric, as local Media boast almost exclusively, the pride being experienced by Jamaicans. Social Media pages belonging to Jamaicans are adorned with black, green and gold exposing the world to this intoxicating delight. These national colours cover homes, business places, and even motor vehicles. Jamaica is one PROUD NATION.

At the moment, anyway.

What I have observed in this monumental time in our country, is that Jamaicans in fact really have a deep rooted LOVE for their country. Too much bad news coupled with destructive practices, have left our conversations of the past covered with negative criticisms. Almost seemingly to a point where we have allowed our subconscious to “give up” and accept things the way they are. But now, we are reminded of our long lost love. Jamaica, the land we love.

I ask of you, to remind yourself of what you love about your country. Remind yourself that you do love your country. And allow this 50 year marker, to be the moment when you recommit to making Jamaica the number one choice to live and love in. And as the euphoria of the London Olympics wear off, allow it to be the catalyst from which Jamaica will rise and obtain new heights, as we indulge in the motto of being “a nation on a mission.”

Go Team Jamaica.


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